ما هي أكاديمية التدريب الإلكتروني

Master Academy established its flagship project, the Training Trainers Academy TTA in 2010, to be one of the projects specialized in preparing and training the trainers. The Academy has graduated 13 batches since its establishment in Sudan, Libya, Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey, and the main purpose of establishing the Academy is Preparing a generation of distinguished trainers with high standards that enable them to perform and deliver their message to the nation in a professional and creative way, contributing to the renaissance of the Arab and Islamic world.

The Academy has developed a special model for it called BTD that included most of the foundations, rules and skills in training science to be a holistic approach to preparing the trainer in an integrated professional manner that focuses on the art of speech and impact strength, as well as training skills to manufacture effective capabilities, in addition to a training planning approach that focuses on high-importance operations Which precedes training such as analyzing training needs, preparing goals, developing curriculum and training bag.

نموذج الأكاديمية

تم تصميم نموذج البرنامج ليغطي العملية التدريبية والأدوار والممارسات المهنية للمدرب المحترف، وتحتفظ أكاديمية ماستري للتدريب والتطوير بحقوق هذا النموذج تحت مسمى (أبعاد التدريب المتوازنة Balanced Training Dimensions BTD).

الفئة المستهدفة

تم تصميم منهج الأكاديمية ليلبي احتياج المدربين الجدد والمدربين ذوي الخبرة وكذلك الراغبين في إمتهان التدريب للمؤسسات والمنظمات الحكومية والخاصة وغير الربحية.

سجل أداء المدرب

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أسئلة شائعة

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من خلال زيارتك لموقع مشروع أكاديمية إعداد المدربين تستطيع الاطلاع على الدفعات السابقة وكذلك مزايا التخرج من الأكاديمية وكل التفاصيل الخاصة بالمنهج التدريبي

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Rosalina D. William
Founder of Cinbelor

Our service is free to users because vendors pay us when they receive web traffic. We list all vendors - not just those that pay us - in our comprehensive directory so that you can compare, sort and filter your results to make the most informed decision possible. GetApp is a Gartner company. Gartner (NYSE: IT) is the world's leading information technology research.

Rosalina D. William
Founder of Cinbelor

Our service is free to users because vendors pay us when they receive web traffic. We list all vendors - not just those that pay us - in our comprehensive directory so that you can compare, sort and filter your results to make the most informed decision possible. GetApp is a Gartner company. Gartner (NYSE: IT) is the world's leading information technology research.

Rosalina D. William
Founder of Cinbelor

من عملاء أكاديمية تدريب المدربين